Local transport news .
My name is Stuart Coffey; I am the transport representative on the Shrivenham Parish Council and I have exciting news for you! We have been successful in a joint grant bid, alongside Watchfield, Bourton and Longcot Parish councils, to introduce a disability-friendly, sustainable, local transport provision.
The grant is sufficient to purchase a new wheelchair accessible vehicle (WAV) and cover the running costs of that WAV (insurance and routine maintenance) for up to 5 years. The users of the service would only have to pay a per-mile charge that covers fuel costs to attend important appointments, primarily medical. For example, this might mean a cost of £3 to get to a GWH appointment, rather than £15 by taxi. The intent is to reduce the pressure on the NHS in a way that supports local people and using a low-cost, sustainable transport solution.
What do we need from you?
I’m looking for volunteers for 2 areas of this new enterprise: managing committee volunteers to administer and schedule the service, making connections with potential recipients of the service and other groups that may be able to refer to the service, such as the GP surgery. This will include a chairperson and representatives from each parish, where possible. Experience of
scheduling, working in the charity sector and managing volunteers would be an advantage. This managing committee would have full autonomy of how to run the scheme but would be expected to report progress in writing, quarterly, to the supporting parish councils. Secondly, we need a bank of volunteer drivers, with clean licences, willing to offer at least 1 morning or afternoon per week as a volunteer.
If you feel, as I do, that this is a cause worth devoting your time to, please email me at Stuart.Coffey@shrivenham.org with your name, mobile number and preferred email address.
If the managing committee cannot be established, there is a very real risk that the funding could be withdrawn. So I hope you will agree with me that we want this scheme to go ahead and will offer your time and energy to make it happen!
If you’ve read this far, I thank you for your time and wish you a very Happy New Year for 2024