Elm Tree Surgery

West Vale Mobility

West Vale Mobility is available to take residents to appointments .
The services  has a wheelchair accessible vehicle, based in Shrivenham and  driven by volunteer drivers, the service will be available to assist people in Shrivenham, Watchfield, Longcot, Ashbury and Bourton from their homes to attend medical & well-being appointments in the five villages and Swindon.
Bookings can be made made by emailing : bookings.westvalemobility@gmail.com
Please remember a minimum of five working days prior to the journey required. Please ask a friend or relative to make the booking or contact Elm Tree Surgery if you do not use the internet. The service depends upon volunteer drivers and the voluntary committee to schedule the bookings .
All volunteer drivers will have been given professional certified MiDAS driver training.
Please help support this service by making a donation which will be used to cover the cost of fuel used for each journey.
Please contactinfo.westvalemobility@gmail.com if you are interested in finding out more details.

Date published: 19th November, 2024
Date last updated: 21st February, 2025